Tuning App

Interactive Instrument Tuner

K-tune is a mobile app that accurately reflects the pitch played into the microphone and provides feedback to correct the note for the best tuning experience.

Musicians are interested in a hands-free tuner that allows them to easily correct the instruments’ pitch.

The Goal: Design a mobile app tuner that detects sound using the microphone to accurately find a matching note and visually demonstrate correct pitch intonation.

redesign: teenage engineering

original search engine design

Optimizing Search Functionality

As a fan of teenage engineering’s brand and products, I’m drawn to their site showcasing innovative audio equipment. However, I realized that the mobile search functionality was one part of the website in need of attention.

I brainstormed and redesigned the search interaction for teenage engineerings’ mobile site.

Searching for a product within the site sometimes led the user to a support page or guide (the top results) rather than showing the product itself.

optimized search engine redesign

Changes to the design include:

  • Adding photos of recently viewed products

  • Creating a dropdown section of the search bar with both popular searches & top results

  • Matching the color scheme of the search page to the website home screen

  • Replacing the cancel button with the search button (or enter on keyboard to press) and keeping the X icon in the top right corner

Chess Animation

traveling knight on chessboard - animation

The traveling knight

I woke up from a dream with the design idea of a knight moving in the form of a square infinitely.

This animation could be a loading screen, design for a chess website, or a fun addition to the art interaction world.